Monday, May 11, 2009

Week 17

This week we are going to spend a few days focusing on our other family members, our pets, as well as a few more odds and ends.

1. Purchase vitamins. You know what you normally use so stock up. This is easy as it will tell you right on the bottle how many days a bottle will last. If you have someone on other supplements make sure you include those also. Watch your newspaper ads as these are often on sale buy one get one free at Longs, Rite Aid and the like. During a time of stress our bodies need more nutrients and they may not be available in the form of foods so don’t ignore vitamins.

2. Purchase sun screen for your 72 hour kits. Sunscreen wipes are also available and will not leak in your kits.

3. Begin a 72 hour kit for your pets. Use an old backpack or even a box. This week, purchase food and water dishes. These can be any kind of a cheap plastic dish. Don’t get expensive ones.

4. Copy all of your pet’s immunization and other medical records. Add these to your 72 hour kit and also place a copy in the envelope to mail to your out of state contact.

5. Copy your will and any wills for family members such as parents. You know what to do with them, same as always.

6. Purchase one bottle of 100% juice for each family member. These will not only count as a fruit in your 3 month storage plan but also as water storage when you calculate the amount of water you need to store for each person. Any juice will count as water but only 100% juice will count as fruit so buy the good stuff. Soda and alcohol will dehydrate you so they never count as anything!

7. Place all those copies you have been collecting and any other discs with copies of photos or other important info, into your envelope and mail it to your out of state contact.

Good luck!

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