Monday, April 27, 2009

Week 15

It’s Monday again. They seem to roll around pretty fast don’t they? If you are falling behind please don’t get discouraged.

1. Purchase a month’s supply of toothpaste and shampoo. Remember when we started 15 weeks ago I asked you to mark the date on items you do not replace after just one use. By now you should have a good idea just how long it really does take your family to go through these items. For a couple it may take only 1 tube of toothpaste, while for a family of 6 it will take much more. If you didn’t date these items guess. Purchase what you think you use in a month and date items today. We will be using this information again so label away. Include such items as: toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, shaving cream, aftershave, hand soap, laundry and dish detergent, cooking oil, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, salad dress, even bags of pet food, etc.

2. Purchase 5 gallon buckets. Most bakeries purchase ingredients and ready made frostings in large buckets. They will often just give them to you. Be sure to sterilize buckets before using and never use a bucket that has had non-food items stored in them. Buckets that have contained foods with a strong smell may retain that smell even after you have sterilized them. Do not use these for food. Your food will end up tasting like the product that was originally stored in the bucket. Use these for emergency kits or for port-a-potties.

3. Post the list you made last week of items you want to take with you in case there is a need to evacuate. Your list should include the location of every item. For example: important documents (bottom right drawer of filing cabinet), nana’s quilt (Emma’s bed), papa’s radio (Hunter’s shelf) etc.

4. At dinner review the evacuation article you copied and placed in your binder last week. Discuss what you would do and who would be responsible for the items on your list (#3 above) if you were called upon to leave home quickly. We will follow up on this next week so please make sure this is one step you accomplish this week.

5. Using an old sheet or fabric, make slings to include in your 72 hour kits, car kits and office kits. Slings should be triangular with the longest side being 60-65 inches long. The width, the distance from this side to the point on the other side, should be 45-50 inches. There are dozens of applications for using a sling and having one in your home and all your kits, ready to go, will be invaluable later. This is a great project with the kids. For a child’s sling just fold over the larger size.

6. Copy marriage licenses of yourself and your ancestors. Make copies of your credit card information including the emergency phone numbers just in case you need to cancel or replace them. Place copies in all the usual places and begin a new envelope to mail items to your out of area contact.

7. Consult the list you made when you cleaned out the medicine cabinet and replace any pain relievers and anti-diarrheal medications you may need. Also place a supply of these items in your 72 hour, car and office kits. I suggest you purchase your diarrheal medications for your kits in tablet form. They won’t accidentally make a mess and they will last much longer.

Don’t forget as you add items to your storage to update your inventory lists. Your inventory should also include the location of those items, as most of us don’t have an entire room we can devote to storage.

Stay focused and motivated.

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