Monday, April 13, 2009

Week 13

It’s time to review our progress again. For any of you who may be new don’t be discouraged if you are just finding us and feel overwhelmed. Just begin at the beginning and in 13 weeks you will be where we are now. If you are really motivated and want to jump in here and catch up on a few steps every week until you are all caught up, by all means, take the plunge.

Between week 7 and now we have done the following:

1. First Aid Supplies: We have gathered what we have on hand and added a first aid guide to all our adult 72 hour kits, our cars and our homes.

2. 72 Hour Kits: We are almost done with these! We have added mylar blankets, hats, safety pins, sun glasses, food, keys, toys, family photos, a multi-function tool, emergency information cards, $10 in cash, water and our prescriptions…whew…that was a lot.

3. Important Documents: We have copied and mailed; the pink slip(s) to our vehicles, passport, social security card, health insurance and life insurance papers.

4. We have done a household inventory for our entire home and garage.

5. We have added mylar blankets for use in our homes during a power outage.

6. We have brainstormed a list and contacted friends and family who we can share and trade talents and items with to add to our preparedness stash.

7. We have established a safe place to leave a message if we should have to evacuate our home.

8. We have replaced batteries in our smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

9. We have established our pet’s needs.

10. We have discussed “what if” scenarios with our family.

11. We have held a fire drill with our family.

12. We have taken family and individual photos, added them to our 72 hour kits and mailed them to our contacts.

13. We have completed a food storage inventory.

14. We have added the following items to our food and home supplies storage: insect spray, mouse traps, rice, pasta, flour, fruit, vegetables, canned meat or fish, soup, mustard, mayonnaise, vinegar, oil, water, spices and ingredients for three favorite family meals. Whew!

All that in 8 weeks! If you are discouraged just look at all you have done! If you are not caught up don’t worry about it. Study the lists you have run off and added to your binder each week. Go back through them and cross out, in bright red marker, all that you have completed. Now just concentrate on this week’s tasks and when you have an extra hour during the week go back and catch up on one or two you missed. Our goal is to complete preparing so keep that in mind. You can do it if you just remember we are eating that elephant one bite at a time. Some of us just take a little longer between bites.

This week:

1. Add water to your 72 hour kits. Mylar pouches are small and light weight. They are also portion controlled. If you store larger bottles you will be tempted to drink them all at once and then your ration for the day will be gone.

2. Copy all prescriptions, including eye glasses, and add to your 72 hour kits. In an emergency if you need to fill a prescription or replace glasses you will be further along if the pharmacy just has to make a call to your doctor and the doctor doesn’t have to consult his/her records.

3. Check your home owners insurance and make sure you are adequately covered. Be sure to add any large purchases such as a boat or heirlooms.

4. Fill all your empty canning jars with water. These are taking up space anyway so make them useful. The jars do not have to be processed, just place a clean lid and ring on each one.

5. Replace the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

6. In February we purchased the ingredients to make five of our family’s favorite meals. This week add the ingredients for another three meals.

7. Purchase $5 worth of spices or seasoning mixes such as; taco seasoning or gravy mix.

There it is. Another week closer, to being prepared. Run off a list of the things we have accomplished and add it to the section of your binder where you added our last accomplishments list.

How are you doing? Good luck!

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