Monday, August 3, 2009

Week 29

With a worldwide food crisis we are working toward having a three month supply of food, medical supplies, cleaning supplies and hygiene items. This personal storehouse will also enable us to accomplish another goal, to be out of debt and have some cash on hand. When you have a storehouse in your home you only need to shop the sales to replace items you have used.
We are preparing our homes to be safe havens in the event of a weather disaster. We are gathering and copying important documents and completing a household inventory just in case our homes are damaged or destroyed. We are completing 72 hour, auto and Grab bag in the event we need to evacuate or host families who have evacuated. We are becoming ready for a financial crisis, earthquake, wild fire, pandemic, home fire or even the loss of income.

1. If you don’t already have one, purchase a fire extinguisher for your home. If you have an extinguisher make sure it is current or take it to the fire department and have it checked out.

2. Copy: Protect and Secure Your Home From Invaders and add it to your binders

3. Make two changes suggested in the article to help burglar proof your home.

4. Purchase 1 pound of cheese per person to add to your food storage.

5. Purchase the ingredients for 5 desserts.

6. Try a new recipe made with stored foods.

7. Place a pair of good walking shoes in the trunk of your car(s).

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