Monday, June 1, 2009

Week 20

Once we have a complete 3 month supply you will never have to purchase food unless it is on sale! Get a lemonade and enjoy your accomplishments.

Here goes:

1st: You now have a binder where you can keep all your preparedness information. It includes article on: 72 hour kits, saving money, seasonal bargains, evacuation and water storage. In addition you have a list of items you need to have in case of a power outage, a list of favorite foods and a list of favorite desserts and a list of the ingredients to make all of them. Plus personal items relevant to your family situation.

2nd: We have worked on our 72 hour kits and almost completed them. They include: mylar blankets, food, water, glow sticks and flashlights, hat, multi-purpose tool, emergency info card, whistles, clothing, batteries, paper plates, TP, diapers, safety pins, sun glasses, keys, toys, cash, prescriptions, first aid kit, sling, toothpaste and toothbrush, vitamins, pain relievers, anti diarrheal meds, eye wash, insect repellent, sun screen, sewing kit and biohazard bag.

3rd: We have researched how our schools plan to deal with an emergency and reviewed those plans with our family.

4th: We have prepared to evacuate by; posting a list of items to take, gathering items and placing them together, and assigning family member responsibilities. We have also held an evacuation drill with our families. We have determined a “secret” place to leave a message if we evacuate, discussed that with our family and sent that information to our contact out of state.

5th: We have begun a 72 hour kit for our pets and added: a collar, food and water dishes, and biohazard bags.

6th: We have stored water.

7th: We have determined which TV and radio stations will broadcast emergency information specific to our area.

8th: We have created a phone tree for neighbors, family and friends and established an out of state contact person. We have mailed our contact copies of important documents, the location of our message place and family photos.

9th: We have copied important document and sent them to our contact and placed them in our 72 hour kits. They include: birth certificates, drivers license, pink slips, passport, social security cards, health insurance, life insurance, marriage license, credit card, death certificates, military records, and wills.

10th: We have discussed “What if” scenarios with our family and held a family fire drill.

11th: We have taken individual and family photos, including pets, and added those to our 72 hour kits and mailed them to our contact.

12th: We have replaced the batteries in our smoke/carbon monoxide detectors.

13th: We have made a list of skills and items we can offer for barter and we have created a list of friends and family who have items we may need, who we can trade with.

14th: We have inventoried and gathered first aid supplies.

15th: We have discarded expired medications and replaced them.

16th: We have completed a room by room household inventory and mailed a copy to our out of state contact.

17th: We have prepared for life after an emergency be purchasing and storing, bleach, insect repellent, mouse traps and insect spray.

18th: We have prepared for a power outage by storing items to replace: washer and dryer, dish washing, lighting, cooking and heating. And we have discussed and prepared for summer power outages.

19th: Around the house we have: Placed a light source and shoes next to our beds, placed emergency phone numbers by all our phones, strapped our water heaters to the wall, made room for food storage, dated the cans of food we had in our cupboards. We have dated items that we don’t consume in one use to determine how many we would need to store for a 3 month supply. We have made a list of our 10 favorite meals and 5 favorite desserts and compiled a list of the ingredients needed to make those.

20th: Deep breathe! We have begun our food storage and now have the ingredients to make 13 complete meals and 8 desserts. In addition we have: 2 cans of fruit and 2 cans of vegetables per person, paper plates, oatmeal and/or cream of wheat, pancake mix, rice, pasta, flour, spices, oil, vinegar, mayonnaise, mustard, salad dressing, 1 can of soup per person, 1 can or jar of protein per person, white sugar, brown sugar, powdered sugar, baking soda, baking powder, cornstarch, 10 sauces, 1 bottle of juice per family member, hand soap, TP, shampoo and toothpaste! In other words… a 3-4 week supply of food. Almost a 1/3 of the way to a complete 3 month supply!

You deserve a break! Take the week off. Make a copy of this post, place it in your binder. Even if you are a little behind concentrate on all you have accomplished and use this week to catch up in a few areas.

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