Monday, March 2, 2009

Week 7

Did you know that grocery stores commonly store only enough food to cover 2-3 days of customer needs? What that alarming fact means to us is that in the case of a truckers strike, natural or man-made disaster which closes roads, or a pandemic, we are in real trouble if we don’t have our own food supply in our homes. Anyone who has lived through a disaster knows store shelves empty very fast and of everything! A disaster in a port town or in areas that house the large food distribution centers will affect everyone they supply for hundreds of miles.

1. Purchase two frozen items for your food storage.
2. Make three copies of the following important papers. As you have done in the past, place one copy in adult 72 hour kits and place another copy in the manila envelope to be mailed to your contact. The items for this week: Social Security cards, pink slips for all cars and trucks, and passports.

3. Add to your food storage: 2 pounds rice, 2 pounds flour, and 3 pounds of pasta.
4. Begin a household inventory. Friends recently lost their home to a fire. They were unable to receive any money from their insurance company until they submitted a complete list of everything they lost. They had one shot, no do overs, which means if they forgot to list something, tough luck. It took them months to try to recreate from memory what was in every cupboard, closet and drawer in the house. Inventories are soooo important. This week take your digital or video cameras and go through the kitchen and master bedroom. A video is great because you can document the importance of an items as you film it. For photos you can go back later and make notes about any family heirlooms or other valuable items. If you use a digital camera, download the pictures and email them to yourself just in case. When we have finished our inventory we will put it all on a disc for our 72 hour kits and mail a copy to our contacts.
5. Purchase mylar blankets. You will need one of every 72 hour kit, at least one for every car and a few to be used during power outages.

6. Add hats, safety pins, and sun glasses to your 72 hour kits.
7. Hold a family fire drill. Discuss stop, drop and crawl. Remind family members to feel a door before opening it and if it is hot do not open the door. Find another way out of the room. Determine a meeting place outside of your home and then hold a surprise drill.

How is the cash in your change jar? Do you understand better just how much toothpaste and cooking oil you really need for a 3 month or a year’s supply? If you have a question please let me know.

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